Where has the time gone?!?! I feel like 5 months means she isn’t really a newborn anymore! And she is definitely starting to take on some toddler like qualities which are SO FUN, but also I want time to slow down so we can relish every time period!! But since time is not slowing down any time soon… here is my attempt to document all of it!
Milestones: She is squealing and laughing and playing all the time now; she is pretty good at entertaining herself. She is also getting really good at grabbing on to things! She can reach out and grab a toy, Lexie, or mom’s hair on command now, and it is fun to watch her little brain process… Oh I want to touch that, I should stick out my hand, now close my fingers. Its like you can see the whole thought process happening. She slept through the night for the first time! After two VERY VERY bad nights of sleep training, she is sleeping pretty much through the night. She sometimes wakes up kind of early, but for the most part she is sleeping through the night. But seriously… the first night? Not for the faint of heart.
She can sit up by herself for a little bit, so we got the go ahead to introduce food if we wanted to, so she ate rice cereal for the first time at thanksgiving. Not so much a fan. I’ve given it to her once or twice since then and she is getting better at it, but I’m wanting to mostly stick to the breastfeeding, so I’m really just trying it out at this point for her to get used to eating from a spoon in her bumbo.
Travelwise she added Colorado to her list of states she has been to, since we went to a VERY cold and snowy Denver for Thanksgiving… which means she ALSO got to experience her first snow! She is unclear how she feels about that one!
Likes: Funny sounds, reading, Lexie (or all dogs really), textures and Classical Music. Seriously… I can listen to music in the car and she could take it or leave it, but if she is upset the ONLY music that will calm her down is classical, which may mean I need to enroll her in piano lessons pretty early!
Dislikes: getting dressed–or more specifically when you pull a piece of clothing over her head. She also dislikes when you leave her alone in a room, she still hates her vitamin. But for the most part she is a happy cheerful baby and a lot of fun to be around these days!! And because I can’t resist… here is another one of her 5 month pictures!