Well folks… the best of intentions were overtaken by life. I really did intend to blog every week of this pregnancy, or at least most of them. But here I am basically a month from giving birth and I have done exactly 0 updates for you guys. And if future baby girl ever happens to read these blog posts, please do not interpret this lack of posting as representative of my love for you. And someday I hope you have two kids so that some small part of you will understand that it has nothing to do with levels of love and EVERYTHING to do with life and how busy life is with a toddler and a full time job. With that being said, here is an update:
Baby’s Size: a cantaloupe
Baby’s Progress: Baby is almost 5 lbs, is starting to gain more fat which helps regulate body temperature and adds those cute little chunky legs I fell in love with on Taylor.
Weight Gain: Overall I have gained about 18lbs, which is right on track for what I should have gained at this point in pregnancy. HOWEVER, I feel like I’ve gained about 50… I keep telling Reese when I roll over in bed it feels like I’m a beached whale–he is a great husband and assures me that I’m not. I went back to look at my 34 Week Update with Taylor- and I have gained about the same amount of weight and I also mention feeling HUGE, so apparently I am nothing if not consistent.
Sleep: Sleep is actually still pretty good for me, except for the occasional trips to the potty pregnancy is not keeping me from sleeping. Taylor however, sometimes does (although I can’t complain, even though she can be a very early riser, she is a GREAT sleeper for 2 years old… knock on wood).
Milestones: Well since the last update, we have had tons of milestones! We have finished the nursery–I’ll post pics soon–promise! We have had 2 sonograms–everything looks fine and healthy, she is right on track for growth and has a lot of hair we could see on the sono, so just like big sister! She moves a lot, so dad has gotten to see and feel her move quite a bit.
Favorite clothing item of the week: Shorts and leggings. Comfort is key these days! Its starting to get really hot here in Kansas and we have a long week of 100 degree days ahead of us, so I’m just trying to stay inside the A/C and as comfy as possible!
Symptoms: I am actually very blessed this pregnancy that most of my negatives symptoms were stacked in the first half of the pregnancy! I do have some back pain that comes from 18 lbs of extra weight stacked in my belly… and my feet never really recovered from pregnancy #1, so I have to be careful about wearing comfier shoes! And I am still tired ALL OF THE TIME, but I’ve come to accept that as a fact of pregnancy!
Workout: I did go to my workout classes through month 6 of pregnancy, but man once summer came and I got bigger, I quit working out. I haven’t even been swimming or walking much towards the end of this pregnancy, but I do chase Taylor around the house and still play with her quite a bit… so its not quite a sedentary life for me! I’m sure I’ll regret not working out post baby, but for now… I’m not picking up any exercise routines!
Overall life has been great these last few months, and while this pregnancy has definitely been harder than my first, we are super excited to be welcoming baby sister. We talk to Taylor about it fairly often and she takes excellent care of her ‘baby’ at home… although her baby doll takes a few too many hits to the head when wandering through the house for us to be too comfortable with her ‘caretaking’ skills.
Since I was so neglectful in my weekly ‘bump pictures’ here are the precious few pictures I’ve taken that show off the bump over the past few months.
At a friend’s wedding in KC April 29th- about 25 weeks pregnant.
A week after that, in Dallas with my BFF and her daughter:
We took a trip to see my cousin get married in New York, so in lieu of bump updates from those weeks, here are a few pictures. The wedding reception venue was BEAUTIFUL about an hour north of NYC at the Brotherhood Winery. I’m about 32.5 weeks pregnant here:
And one photo with terrible lighting that I snapped for my mom of what I was wearing to go see Hamilton– but it does show off the bump– 32.5 weeks pregnant!
And just last week at Tanganyika- the local wild animal park where we have a membership and can go feed the giraffes whenever we want–one of Taylor’s favorite pastimes!
And because I can’t resist a cute photo of Taylor, here is a pic from this weekend showing off her new stars and stripes swimsuit from Aunt B!

You and your family are adorable! I love reading these updates! I can’t wait to see the nursery and hear about the arrival of sweet baby girl!