Helloooooo… anyone there? Sorry I’ve been MIA for the last few weeks, my day job has been keeping me quite busy and I just haven’t had much time to be working on projects (or writing blog posts for that matter…) but I’m back! And I have one last Christmas gift that I want to show y’all.
Last week I showed you guys my mom’s awesome soft book that she made my niece Juliette. Well it being her first Christmas and all, I wanted a special gift for her too, and I had this idea back in the summer before she was even born! My family is all spread out and none of us live very close to Juliette, but I wanted her to have a piece of us in her life as she is growing up and learning voices and people. So I came up with the idea to make a video library for Juliette. I had each member of my family pick out one of their favorite children’s books to read on video for Juliette. Then I edited them onto a DVD and sent it to her along with a copy of each of the books. That way as she is growing up she can pick a book and follow along as one of us read’s them to her.
Everyone else’s books I just had read in front of the Christmas tree in the weeks before Christmas (I knew I would be seeing the rest of my family members in the weeks leading up to Christmas, so we just arranged to record each of them then.) But I wanted to read the book Goodnight Goodnight Construction Site and decided that it would be really cool to read this in front of some construction equipment. My day job is for a construction company that has several of the pieces of equipment mentioned in the book in our construction yard. So one beautiful (and FREEZING) December day in Kansas my mom recorded me reading the book on both a crane and an excavator and then I edited them together. Wanna see it?
Marynell from Marynell Popst on Vimeo.
I highly recommend this as a gift idea for any nieces/nephews/grandkids that live far away! And it encourages reading for little kids, which makes my nerdy little heart happy!!