If you didn’t hear this last weekend (then you must not have any friends in Texas), Texas had a major ice storm come through. This happens about once every 2 or 3 years but it always shuts the whole world down. Until all the snow and ice melt. Seriously. But it was beautiful!
I should probably have brought all my potted plants inside, but I didn’t get around to it as we barely had time to get home from DC before the weather hit. Good thing I never got around to replanting the pansies in this:
I thought the tree in my neighbor’s backyard was gorgeous, the way the top of the tree iced, but left the bottom tree still red, made me think of the ombre trend which is so popular right now.
Anyway, being iced in for 3 days gave me plenty of time to haul out my Christmas decorations and get started on Christmasing up my house. I’m one of those people who refuses to start thinking about Christmas until after Thanksgiving. I know lots of bloggers out there who like to decorate early so they can get their posts up early for Christmas, I just can’t bring myself to do it. Well travelling for Thanksgiving and then our little detour through Washington DC meant I was WAY behind on getting my decor up.
But Mother Nature was kind to me and iced me in so that I had no choice but to get caught up. Most of my facebook feed included people complaining about getting cabin fever, but apparently that part of me is broken, I LOVED being locked inside while it was snowy icy outside. But enough about the storm… want to see what I cooked up for my dining table?
I went with a red and silver winter woodland theme. Sorry for the yellowish lighting in the pics… like I said: iced in.
I love the pinecones and fake greenery (I don’t like to use real greenery on tables because I’d rather not have pine needles in my food… or near candles).
This little bird was a gift from my grandmother a few years ago. I think she was originally from Crate and Barrel. The red candle holders are also from C&B (last season), as are the silver snowflakes (maybe 3 years ago?). Those silver snowflakes are really neat, but they don’t survive the packing well. I’ve tried packing them different ways and I always lose a snowflake arm or two.
And just so you can see how pretty it looks in the daylight and set for a party:
Just so that you know that I love you all… I took this picture with the front door open so I could get enough light… and it was 18 at the time. And I really really don’t like being cold.
Stay tuned tomorrow, I’ll have a great cinnamon roll recipe for you!

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