So I told you yesterday about our planning blunder when getting ready for Elfa, but it was ALL WORTH IT. Our closet is AWESOME now. Here was where we left off with yesterday’s blog post, having painted late into the night Friday now our closet was ready for all our stuff to come back in. One of the reasons this project was so high on my importance list was that every morning this is my view:
The closet originally had sliding doors, but it closed off the bathroom too much and was too dark in the closet, so I took them off when I first moved in… but that meant that when my closet was dirty, that was the first thing I saw in the morning.
Now… this is what I see:
How awesome is that?! Here’s his side:
And mine:
We each have a set of drawers:
And Elfa has an awesome option to hold all your shoes:
And little dividers to keep all my bags corralled.
That is quite the before and after!
Other than the coupon I didn’t get any perks for this post, I just LOVE my new Elfa closet!

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