One of the many many things that my parents did right growing up was Valentine’s Day. For us growing up it was always about showing those people we love just how much we love them. It was not about having a boyfriend or girlfriend, single or dating; just about loving the people around us. One of the key ways they ingrained that in us was having a Valentine’s Box with red, pink and white paper, doilies, stickers etc for us to make Valentine’s cards for each other. I remember being a very young child and sitting down with my mom to do crafty cards to tell my brothers and dad just how much I loved them. To this day I still have several cards that my family gave me.
My mother almost always writes clever poems on hers (she has an uncanny ability to write clever poems) and my older brother has a tendency to find appropriate comics to send. We always exchange them on Valentine’s morning at breakfast Mom makes for us (stay tuned later in the week and I will share about that).
When I got married last year a couple of great family friends threw me a ‘holiday long distance shower’ for all of our family friends who live far and wide and wouldn’t be able to make it to a shower for me, and the theme was Holidays. I got some great gifts that I have used throughout the year to decorate for various seasons and one of the great gifts I got was from my second cousin and her family. They also have a Valentine tradition of making cards for each other and they gave me my own box full of cute Valentine’s cards and stickers!!
My cards this year are not particularly clever or creative, but its the thought that counts right?! I bought some calligraphy pens and ink right before Christmas (seriously wasn’t Christmas just yesterday??) and I’ve been trying to improve my calligraphy skills… I have a ways to go!
Some years I am good at still sending them, and some years I am not, but I love that even as adults we occasionally still send the card to share how much we love each other.
The washi tape is an easy way to spruce up an otherwise simple card:
What are your Valentine’s traditions? Do you guys make cards for your family?

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