You guys. I feel like the phrase that keeps coming out of my mouth these days is an exasperated #mylife. I use it to describe how our belongings are in 3 different places right now because our house is on the market, so some of our things are already moved to Wichita to give the appearance that we are the cleanest people on the planet. And because we aren’t anywhere close to being the cleanest people on the planet, Taylor and I are spending a lot of time at my brother’s house so that we don’t mess up our own… because have you ever tried to get a dog, a 6 month old, and yourself out of the house with all of your mess. IMPOSSIBLE.
And what that really means? Is that whatever I need at that moment is most likely wherever I am not. But lest I sound like all I do is complain (which feels altogether too close to the truth for my own liking) I am so grateful to have family to spend time with, people who will put up with all of my stuff, and go out of their way to help us out. My saint of a dad drove a uhaul trailer through severe thunderstorms the day of the tornadoes in Dallas so that we could get my house ready to show. So I know that I am unbelievably lucky to have people who love us and are taking care of us during this crazy phase of life.
But this post isn’t really about that. But all of that is my excuse for not posting Taylor’s 6 month update. And for not having a cute picture of her at 6 months in her crib #maybenextweek?
I do still want to track her updates… so you’ll have to just suffice with candids from the last month.
Milestones: She can sit up all by herself all the time… and she loves it! She has very little tolerance for laying down now; she wants to be up and looking around. She is eating solid foods now. She has had sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, pears and avocado. She loves all of them except for pears, which she HATES… she makes disgusted faces, gagging noises…the whole shebang. I’m sure she won’t be over-dramatic like her mother AT ALL. She LOVES to eat… she got so excited for avocados, she was waving her arms around, making lots of noise, and then ate half an avocado. DE-LICIOUS. She is also getting really good at moving around and reaching for things. She still can’t roll over from back to front (and i’m not complaining… having an immobile child is a lot easier than one who can roll around!) but she can twist and turn and somehow manages to get things in her hands that I am SURE are out of her reach. She also weighed in at 16 lbs at her last doctors appointment.
Likes: to eat–she has loved trying foods, scarfing all the veggies down as fast as possible. I’m sure I’ll be missing those days when she is a picky toddler, but for now it is fun to watch. She likes funny noises and still loves classical music. She is starting to smile at herself in the mirror or on facetime, she loves when my mom sings to her and she loves to facetime with her dad! She’s a pretty easy going kid… so there isn’t much she doesn’t like, but she also rocks her serious face a lot of the time! She loves looking at dogs–both Lexie and Match are fun to look at and pet!
Dislikes: She dislikes being laid down right after she gets up from sleeping… which makes changing her diaper a bit challenging. She dislikes Pears pretty strongly. Her skin also dislikes everything. Poor girl, she has excema, drool rash, and had an allergic reaction after getting licked by one of the dogs! So she and aquaphor are BFFs. She also dislikes falling over. A few times while sitting up she has fallen backwards and even though it is carpeted and she doesn’t seem any worse for the wear, it either scares her or hurts her and she cries pretty emphatically. My bad parent moment is that I think she is really cute when she cries because she scrunches up her whole face… so I can’t help but to laugh a little bit when she cries (and I know she isn’t really hurt). Bad mom.
It was her first Christmas and she was a travelling fool. We spent the days of Christmas at home and my husband was here for several days with us, then Taylor and I went with my parents to both of my extended family Christmases, so as of now, Taylor has visited Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, DC and Virginia… multiple times for each place! She has completed many road trips and several flights and is an excellent traveler!

I love these updates! You’ve got this, Mama! Hang in there.