So I don’t know if it is the way I’m standing, what I ate last week or what, but I feel like I looked more preggo in last weeks bump picture than this, but alas… this is the picture from this week! I also should probably quit taking them after I wake up from my Sunday afternoon naps, but since those don’t feel like they are going away any time soon… this is what we are left with!
On with the update:
Baby’s Size: We will return to the boring vegetable references this week: Baby is the size of a Green Pepper. Mostly because I love green pepper and no one else had a clever reference I could steal 🙂
Baby’s Progress: Baby is moving around a lot (although I’ve felt a few flutters that *might* be baby movement, it’s awfully hard to tell), and his/her ears are in their final position, but are sticking out of the head more than normal (although if you’ve seen my elementary school pictures this is likely to be a trait that sticks around this little munchkin for a while).
Weight Gain: I’ve gained a half a pound. And I’ve been eating like a champion lately (thank you trip to Kansas City) We go back to the doctor next week, so this lack of weight gain will definitely be one of my big questions.
Sleep: Sleep hasn’t changed much since last week, so yay for midnight (more like 2 am) trips to the potty.
Milestones: Didn’t really have any major milestones this week, except that I learned that long car trips are going to be increasingly more difficult. I had to take one for work this week to Kansas City, and I’ll be taking it slow on my road warrior status here in the next few months.
Favorite clothing item of the week: a tunic and leggings that I’ve had for a while, but definitely have some room to grow in it for the next several months!
Symptoms: Fortunately most of the symptoms that the books and websites talk about having in the second trimester haven’t struck too strongly yet (like heartburn, leg cramps, etc). I’m still holding on to the occasional round of extreme nausea and my sense of smell has never been stronger, but for now I’m grateful to still be able to sleep at night and to have no leg cramps or heartburn yet!
Workout: This was a good week! I returned to my pre-pregnancy Camp Gladiator workout and just did some slight modifications (I didn’t do the exercises where you lay on your back, and mostly went at my own pace), I also accompanied a friend in KC to Overland Park Crossfit on Saturday morning and had a great workout. Both my friend (who was my partner for the partner exercises) and the instructor knew I was preggo, so we did some slight modifications. Both workouts felt great, and besides being a little sore (yikes Quads!) it felt great to be working out. I also managed to get out and take a walk yesterday in the GORGEOUS spring weather which helped stretch out my sore quads. I hope to keep working out throughout at least the second trimester, but I’m also not pushing myself too hard!

You are so precious.