After making this wreath for a friend out of old ribbon and fabric, I saw a friend who made a wreath out of felt flowers, and I loved it! So I googled around to see how to make felt flowers and found this blogpost showing how to make them. I picked three to try out for my wreath
I’ll walk you through how to make my favorite the one with curvy edges above. And then I’ll show you how to start the other two, which are simple once you learn how to do the first. First cut out a square of felt. The bigger your square the bigger your flower, mine are about 4″ square to make the bigger flowers above and 3″ square to make the smaller ones.
Now just cut wavy lines in a circle:
Don’t worry too much about keeping them even or perfect, the imperfection makes them more fun! Keep going until you have one long line:
Now take the end that was the center of your square (shown at the bottom of the picture above) and start rolling the felt around holding it with one hand as you wrap with the other hand, it should quickly start to look like a flower!
When you are done just stick a dab of hot glue on your end and tuck it under to keep it together.
To try out different looks you can vary how high your waves are and how tightly you wrap your flower up.
For the flatter flowers in the wreath do the same as above just with straight lines so that your string of felt looks like this:
And for the loopy flower cut one long strip of felt (mine was about 10″ by 2″) fold it in half and start cutting strips half-3/4 of the way through your fabric like this:
Now start at one end and just wrap it into a circle until you have the flower the size you want it to be! And now its time to hot glue your flowers to the wreath however you want to. I like them clumped at the bottom right of the wreath:
When you are done, hang on your door! I actually made the one above for a friend to celebrate her birthday (and the start of football season… Rock Chalk?)
I liked it so much I made another one for myself and hung it on my front door:
The husband thinks we should add maroon and white flowers to the top left since TECHNICALLY we root for his beloved Texas A&M Aggies in the fall, but doesn’t he know that Maroon and White clash with Crimson and Blue?

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