So I’ve shown you my ‘make from scratch’ burp cloths I make as a standard gift for baby showers that I attend, and they continue to be one of my most popular posts on Pinterest. I still love this gift and make them all the time, but I saw some on Two Twenty One that I knew I had to try out for myself! Especially since they would be perfect to use with my new little nugget. So as I was waiting for her to arrive, I tried them out, and they are perfect!
Two Twenty One actually got the idea from Thinking Closet who has a tutorial, and I don’t want to steal their thunder, so hop on over to get the full set of instructions, but they really are quite simple and depending on your fabric selection, they can be quite flexible to match any decor or design. I also recently made a set for a friend to give as a gift, and added some embroidery to the fabric before sewing it on and they turned out SO CUTE (bad blogger, I forgot to snap pictures of those… blame it on the pregnancy hormones!)
Anyway, the simple instructions are: go buy a pack of cloth diapers (I got mine from Target… they are fairly cheap and in the baby section).
Cut a strip of fabric to go down the center stripe:
Iron your edges down (I used a cereal box template like Two Twenty One did)
And then top stitch it to the cloth diaper.
Here are the finished product laid out so you can see:
They are so useful and super easy to make. Plus there are endless possibilities with embroidering names and designs on them! I’ll have to show off a few when I get back to crafting those! (Go figure with not much sleep and a whole lot of baby laundry and snuggles to be had, I’m not getting my crafting done right now!)

These are adorable and look like I could even make them!