The sun is shining, the weather is turning beautiful and giving us hope that spring may eventually, actually be sprung. I am not a cold weather fan (umm… duh, I live in Texas) and this winter has drug on and on and on. Is anyone else ready for winter to finally be gone and to welcome springtime, flowers, warm weather?!? I am for sure.
Which probably explains why I did something a bit out of character. I’m not usually one for bold color or lots of patterns, but spray painting my flower shelves that sit outside my kitchen table had me picking a table I would never otherwise have chosen. Turquoise. Or technically “Lagoon”. I’ve you’ve been around the blog a while you may remember that I didn’t have much luck with my flower containers last year (I blame the intense heat):
But these pictures do give a pretty good glimpse of what the flower towers looked like before. And just so you can see what they looked like with living flowers in them:
Well I got in the mood to spray paint something the other day, and while its not quite time to plant my spring containers, I did decide to do a little “garden prep”, aka I spray painted these puppies with Rustoleums Lagoon color in Satin. But it being dark outside so early I was racing against the clock, so I didn’t get any ‘in progress shots’ sorry… bad blogger.
PS… if you have to spray paint anything, invest the 5$ for one of the handle things. It makes it WAAAAAAY easier to get nice even coats and your hand won’t look like The Claw afterwards. (Friends reference anyone?)
I love these flower shelves, they came from my grandmother’s basement and were the perfect addition to this side patio, but since they were a few years old, their brown color was looking a little tired and worse for the wear, so they had been on my list of things to paint for a while! I think one of the reasons I love these so much is that they reminds me of the wardrobe character in Beauty and the Beast

See what I mean:
Anyway, check out how well the color pops against my red fence:
Now they are ready for it to warm up just a little bit more and be covered in beautiful flowers!
Stay tuned next week… I’m hosting a shower for my brother and his fiancee and I have some super cute decor coming your way!