I am out travelling for work this week, which happens quite a bit (you should ask my husband how much he loves that since my crazy lovable yet totally neurotic dog has separation anxiety issues). But it occurred to me that I have a pretty great way of keeping my work bag organized. I started it a few months ago as a part of my attempt to organize everything in my house before I turn 30. And for the most part it has done a good job of keeping my computer bag from turning into a rats nest of cords.
I bought a fairly inexpensive organizer thing called a Grid It from Amazon. Mine is about the size of a sheet of paper and fits nicely in my computer bag. But it has several elastic straps with grippy things (scientific description) to hold all your cords in place. Since I regularly travel with a mouse (seriously who can use touchpads!?), several chargers and an external hard drive, this keeps all of those neatly in place and ready to use.
I recently spruced up my iPhone and iPad chargers with a bit of washi tape since mine have a habit of disappearing around certain members of my family. But its a great system and it slides right down into my bag making it easy to keep the cords without any of the clutter.
Its been nice so far to always have my chargers and headphones right where I want them to be! The only bad thing about it is that my computer charger doesn’t fit very well on this size, which is how it got left in Waco last week. Oops!
But I am definitely making progress on my 30 Before 30 organizing spree… more to come this week!