One of the things that drove me nuts in this house was that the kitchen island (at the center of where we spend most of our time) was two toned celebration of all that is the 90s. And although I love me some 90s, the two-tone had to go.
PS… the theme for this year’s high school dance party during the youth ski trip that my husband leads was 90s. It is awfully hard trying to explain to girls born in 2000 the point of early 90s fashion. I’ve never felt so old in my life.
Anyway, back to the two tone monstrosity in my kitchen:
Sorry for the crappy picture, it was taken at night because that is when I have to get all my work done these days! The island was pretty scuffed up and in bad shape.
We decided to go back with a simple white color, I chose Behr’s Quiet on the Set out of their Marquee line. I wanted to try out their Marquee line (their highest grade) and to be honest? I didn’t see any difference in it and their Premium Plus which is my typical go-to. They guarantee that with the Marquee paint and a Marquee color it will just take one coat. I’m not sure if it was because of the texture of the bead board or what, but I definitely had to go over it a second time in most spots, which has been my experience with the Premium Plus as well: good coverage, but still requires a second coat in spots. But even with the second coat, this whole project took me about 30 minutes to complete. (And for those of you worrying about baby, my doctor assured me that it was safe to paint as long as it was low VOC, but just to be safe I wore an awesome looking respirator the whole time anyway).
Other than missing a spot (painting in the evening with poor lighting is usually a bad decision… and this is why) which I’ll have to go back and get at a later date, I think it turned out great!
It is definitely cleaner and fresher and makes it look a tad bit more updated. Now all we have to do is paint the walls, rehang our favorite light fixture from the old house, and hang a few more photos and the kitchen will be done–until we decide to upgrade some appliances later on.
On a totally unrelated note, I made a lot of progress on unpacking, so the nursery that did look like this:
Now looks like this:
I think I’m going to like this whole 2nd trimester ‘nesting phase’.